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The 7 Gates of Jaipur: A Journey Through the Historic Entrances to the Pink City

Jaipur, the first planned city of India, was designed by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II in the early 18th century. To protect the city from invaders, it was surrounded by a fortification wall with seven grand gateways, each serving as a crucial point of entry and exit. These gates are not only significant in terms of their strategic location but also hold historical and cultural value. Let’s explore the 7 gates of Jaipur and their importance in the city’s architectural and cultural heritage.


Ajmeri Gate

One of the most famous gates of Jaipur, Ajmeri Gate, was named because it leads toward Ajmer, a nearby city and pilgrimage site. This gate is located in the heart of Jaipur and connects the bustling MI Road (Mirza Ismail Road) with the Johari Bazaar, one of the city's oldest and busiest markets.

  • Significance: Ajmeri Gate was one of the main entrances to the walled city and served as an important commercial gateway.

  • Why Visit: Today, it's a popular spot for visitors to start their shopping trips in Jaipur’s old markets.


Sanganeri Gate

Located on the southern side of Jaipur’s walled city, Sanganeri Gate leads toward the town of Sanganer, which is famous for its block printing and handmade paper industries. This gate is a stunning example of Rajput architecture, with its elegant arches and intricate designs.

  • Significance: This gate was used as the southern exit of the city, opening the path toward Sanganer, a center for trade and crafts.

  • Why Visit: The gate offers a glimpse into Jaipur's historical significance as a trading hub.


Chandpole Gate

The Chandpole Gate is located on the western side of the walled city and connects Jaipur with the city of Chandpol. It was an important gateway for trade and transportation. The gate leads to Chandpole Bazaar, another bustling market known for its traditional Rajasthani goods, including handicrafts, spices, and fabrics.

  • Significance: Chandpole was a key entry point for traders bringing goods into the city.

  • Why Visit: This market is a great place to experience the lively atmosphere and shop for Jaipur's famous handicrafts.


Surajpole Gate

Located on the eastern side of the walled city, Surajpole Gate opens in the direction of the sunrise, hence its name "Surajpole" (Suraj meaning sun). This gate serves as a vital connection to areas beyond the city walls and has historical importance.

  • Significance: It was named due to its location facing the rising sun, symbolizing new beginnings and vitality.

  • Why Visit: Surajpole Gate is less frequented by tourists, making it a quiet and offbeat spot to explore Jaipur’s history.


Dhruv Pole (Zorawar Singh Gate)

Dhruv Pole, also known as Zorawar Singh Gate, is located on the northern side of the city and opens towards Dhruv Marg. This gate is associated with the northern star "Dhruv," which is considered auspicious in Hindu tradition. The gate is steeped in historical importance and served as a primary entry point to the northern part of the city.

  • Significance: Named after Dhruv, the North Star, symbolizing stability and constancy.

  • Why Visit: The gate offers a quieter, less crowded look into Jaipur’s rich architectural history.


Ghat Gate

Situated in the southeastern part of the city, Ghat Gate leads toward Ghat Ki Guni, an area known for its beautiful palaces and the road that connects Jaipur to Agra. The gate once served as a significant route for travelers moving between the two cities, enhancing its importance in the trade and transportation network of Jaipur.

  • Significance: This gate provided access to the important trade route connecting Jaipur with Agra.

  • Why Visit: Explore the area for its historical relevance and proximity to the road to Agra.


New Gate

As the name suggests, New Gate is one of the more recent additions to the walled city. It is located on the southern side and opens up to the famous MI Road. This gate marks the expansion of Jaipur beyond its original planned limits and connects the old city with the new developments.

  • Significance: The gate symbolizes the city’s growth and expansion while maintaining a connection to its historic roots.

  • Why Visit: It’s a gateway to exploring both the old and new parts of Jaipur, making it a great starting point for your journey through the Pink City.


The seven gates of Jaipur represent more than just architectural wonders—they are symbolic of the city’s vibrant history, its strategic planning, and its role as a thriving trade center in ancient times. Today, these gates continue to stand tall, providing a window into Jaipur’s past while serving as gateways to the rich culture and bustling life within its walls. Whether you are a history buff or an architecture lover, a visit to these gates offers an exciting way to explore Jaipur’s heritage.


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